
Winter Student Recipes, with Venner Nutrition

Venner Nutrition
24.11.23 – 05 Mins Read

As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, many of us find ourselves grappling with the winter blues. The seasonal changes can cast a shadow on our mood and energy levels, affecting both our physical and mental well-being. 

There are a number of ways you can support yourself through this period, though one which is often overlooked, and the focus of this blog post, is nutrition. Food plays a crucial role in supporting our mental health. Focusing on incorporating foods which nourish our bodies and minds into our diet can help us to feel that bit better through the winter months. This blog post will provide easy recipes for students, making it simple to maintain a nutritious diet. These student recipes are designed to be quick, budget-friendly, and perfect for combating the winter blues.

vitamins you need for winter

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Limited exposure to sunlight during winter can lead to deficiencies in vitamin D, affecting mood and immunity. Focus on incorporating foods rich in vitamin D e.g. fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), fortified dairy products and eggs. In winter it is also worth considering including a vitamin D supplement in your diet.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Brain Boosters

Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in brain health and contain mood-stabilising properties, which make them a great addition to winter meals. These are found in abundance in fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseeds.

Vitamin C: The Immunity Supporter

Winter is often a time where cold and flu viruses are circulating, so it is particularly important to support your immune system. Great sources of vitamin C include: citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers and broccoli.

B Vitamins: The Energy Givers

B Vitamins, in particular B6 and B12, play a crucial role in energy production and neurotransmitter synthesis. Ensuring an adequate intake can help combat fatigue and support mental clarity. Lean meat, fish and leafy greens are rich sources of these vitamins.

Microbiome: A Crucial Component!

Your gut is home to a community of trillions of bacteria and fungi, and has a major influence on immunity and mood. No two microbiomes are the same; we are all unique, but the richer and more diverse our microbiome is, the healthier and happier we are. Our microbiome is best supported by a diverse range of fruits and vegetables, fermented foods like kimchi and kombucha, natural live yoghurt and prebiotic foods e.g. bananas, lentils, chickpeas, beans, garlic, leeks and nuts.

winter wellness student recipes

In the midst of busy student life, incorporating these foods doesn’t need to be a daunting task. Here are some quick n easy ideas to integrate these nutrients into your diet.

Easy Pasta salad

Fuel your day with a simple yet nutritious pasta salad. Whole grain pasta, combined with omega-3-rich tinned tuna, cherry tomatoes, and fresh spinach, creates a dish that’s not only tasty but also supports brain health and mood. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon dressing for an extra boost.

Nutrition Tips

Creating a delicious and nutritious pasta salad is simple with these easy tips. Start by choosing whole grain or high-protein pasta to boost fibre and satiety. Add a variety of colourful vegetables like bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and spinach for a dose of vitamins and minerals. Incorporate lean proteins such as grilled chicken, chickpeas, or tofu to keep you full longer. Use a light dressing made with olive oil and vinegar or a yoghurt-based option to keep it healthy. Finally, season with fresh herbs and spices for added flavour without extra calories. Enjoy a balanced, easy-to-make pasta salad that’s perfect for a quick meal or a side dish!

Omelette Wrap

Start your morning or refuel at lunch with a veggie-packed omelette wrap. Whisk together eggs with spinach, peppers, and feta cheese, then fold it into a wholewheat wrap. This protein and nutrient-packed meal is quick to make and perfect for students on the go.

Nutrition Tips

For a nutritious and delicious omelette wrap, start by using whole eggs or a mix of eggs and egg whites for a balance of protein and healthy fats. Load your omelette with a variety of colourful vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, and tomatoes to boost fibre and vitamin content. Opt for a whole grain or low-carb wrap to add complex carbohydrates and maintain stable energy levels. Including a small portion of lean protein such as turkey or tofu can enhance the nutritional profile, making your omelette wrap a well-rounded meal perfect for any time of day.

Salmon & Quinoa Bowl

Elevate your lunch or dinner with a Salmon and Quinoa Bowl. A base of quinoa provides essential B vitamins, while baked salmon adds omega-3 fatty acids. Top it off with a mix of leafy greens and cherry tomatoes, and finish with a lemon-balsamic vinegar dressing for a refreshing, mood-boosting touch.

Nutrition Tips

To make the most of your Salmon & Quinoa Bowl, focus on balancing your nutrients. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support brain health and reduce inflammation. Pairing it with quinoa provides a complete source of protein and essential amino acids. Add a variety of colourful vegetables for vitamins, minerals, and fibre, enhancing digestion and overall wellness. For an extra boost, drizzle with a lemon-tahini dressing to incorporate healthy fats and antioxidants. This combination ensures a hearty, nutrient-dense meal, perfect for maintaining energy and focus during the winter months.


Start your day with a vibrant Mood-Boosting Smoothie Bowl. Blending Greek yoghurt with a medley of berries, a banana, and almonds (or almond butter) provides a nutrient-packed, mood-enhancing breakfast. Top it with flaxseeds for an omega-3 kick to support both your body and mind.

Nutrition Tips

Smoothies are a quick and easy way to boost your nutrition, especially during the winter months when fresh produce might be less abundant. To create a balanced smoothie, aim to include a mix of fruits and vegetables for vitamins and antioxidants, a source of protein like yoghurt or plant-based protein powder to keep you full, and a healthy fat such as flaxseeds or avocado for sustained energy. Adding a handful of leafy greens, like spinach or kale, can enhance the nutrient profile without compromising taste. Remember to avoid added sugars and opt for natural sweeteners like honey or dates if needed. Enjoy your smoothie as a nutritious breakfast or a post-study snack to keep your energy levels steady throughout the day.

Chickpea and Vegetable Stir Fry

For a quick and hearty meal, whip up a Chickpea and Vegetable Stir-Fry. Tinned chickpeas join forces with colourful broccoli, peppers, and carrots in a flavorful stir-fry. Pair it with brown rice for a wholesome dish that’s rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, helping you stay energised through the winter months.

Nutrition Tips

Chickpea and Vegetable Stir Fry is not only a delicious and easy-to-make dish, but it’s also packed with essential nutrients. Chickpeas are an excellent source of plant-based protein and fibre, which help keep you full and support digestive health. The variety of vegetables adds a mix of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium, contributing to overall wellness. To maximise the nutritional value, use a mix of colourful veggies and opt for fresh or minimally processed ingredients. Adding a touch of olive oil or sesame oil can enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, making this stir fry a perfect balance of flavour and nutrition for winter.

As we venture into the winter months, let’s remember that our dietary choices can be powerful tools in maintaining both our physical and mental wellbeing. By incorporating these nourishing ingredients into our meals, we can support our immunity, boost our mood, and navigate through the winter blues with resilience. Whether you are looking for easy student recipes, or winter favourites, let your plate be your winter ally, and savour the goodness that nutrition brings to your body and mind.

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